Wednesday, January 30, 2008

RSS feed frenzy

I created an account for my RSS feeds at the following address . . .

I really had no experience doing something like this before. I might just upgrade my mind after all.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Will we use Computers or will computers use us?

I keep thinking about how every decade computers grow exponentially in capacity and I know that some time in the near future the complexity of the computer will equal that of the human mind. If a computer can process information in the same manner as a human brain, will they eventually acquire human like thought processes? Will they surpass us? Or will we grow together becoming something neither human or computer but some melding of the two?

What if computers become more intelligent than humans? Will they continue to serve us? Or will they rewrite their own programming and become just as diverse as humanity- some hating us and some revering us.

Either way, I hope they remember us fondly.

Exploring Flickr

I'm going to have to make a trading card for my son at the following link.

He's going to love this!

SPLS- Outside Mustang

Take a look at this beautiful picture outside of Mustang library.

I really like the play of light and shadow in this image.

Monday, January 14, 2008

My first post

It's official. This is my first post to my first blog!
